Package: ace
Description-md5: fcbd00026ded79e6c62f3bec35612f8f
Description-is: HTML template engine for Go (command-line tool)
 Ace is an HTML template engine for Go.  This is inspired by Slim
 ( and Jade ( This is a
 refinement of Gold (
   = doctype html
   html lang=en
     title Hello Ace
     = css
       h1 { color: blue; }
     h1 {{.Msg}}
         Ace is an HTML template engine for Go.
         This engine simplifies HTML coding in Go web application development.
     = javascript
       console.log('Welcome to Ace');
 This package provides the /usr/bin/ace command-line tool and example

Package: bats-assert
Description-md5: 6e0af67aac96a57a0c62f6f3a2c2b007
Description-is: Helper library providing common assertions for Bats
 bats-assert provides various ready-made assertions that can be used to
 make Bats tests simpler to understand and to debug.
 Til dæmis:
  * assert_success: exit status is 0.
  * assert_output: output contains given content.
  * assert_line: a specific line of output contains given content.

Package: bats-file
Description-md5: 26498ed790beaffc0ce98bfc64d0cf47
Description-is: Helper library providing filesystem-related assertions for Bats
 bats-file provides various assertions and helpers to simplify writing Bats
 tests that deal with files and filesystems.
 Til dæmis:
  * assert_file_contains: Check if the file content matches a regex.
  * assert_file_owner: Check if a specific user owns the file.
  * assert_symlink_to: Check if the file is a symlink to the target.
  * temp_make: Create a temp directory for the current test in BATS_TMPDIR.

Package: bats-support
Description-md5: 5484b7ec3dac0f44d4409bedcf4a7473
Description-is: Supporting library to test bats helper libraries
 bats-support is a supporting library providing common functions to test
 helper libraries written for Bats.
  * error reporting
  * output formatting
  * language tools

Package: cbindgen
Description-md5: bf5e9ab6d22f73ffe6c064b48141f318
Description-is: Generates C bindings from Rust code
 cbindgen can be used to generate C bindings for Rust code. It is currently
 being developed to support creating bindings for WebRender (by Mozilla for
 Firefox), but has been designed to support any project.
  * Builds bindings for a crate, its mods, its dependent crates, and their mods
  * Only the necessary types for exposed functions are given bindings
  * Can specify annotations for controlling some aspects of binding
  * Support for generic structs and unions
  * Support for exporting constants and statics
  * Customizable formatting, can be used in C or C++ projects
  * Support for generating #ifdef's for #[cfg] attributes
  * Support for #[repr(sized)] tagged enum's

Package: cpuinfo
Description-md5: ab666464e290c05f055e53ee0e828d2c
Description-is: CPU INFOrmation library (binary utilities)
 cpuinfo is a library to detect essential for performance optimization
 information about host CPU.
   - **Cross-platform** availability:
     - Linux, Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS operating systems
     - x86, x86-64, ARM, and ARM64 architectures
   - Modern **C/C++ interface**
     - Thread-safe
     - No memory allocation after initialization
     - No exceptions thrown
   - Detection of **supported instruction sets**, up to AVX512 (x86) and
     ARMv8.3 extensions
   - Detection of SoC and core information:
     - **Processor (SoC) name**
     - Integrated **GPU name** (Android/iOS only)
     - Vendor, **microarchitecture**, and ID (**MIDR** on ARM, **CPUID**
       leaf 1 EAX value on x86) for each CPU core
   - Detection of **cache information**:
     - Cache type (instruction/data/unified), size and line size
     - Cache associativity
     - Cores and logical processors (hyper-threads) sharing the cache
   - Detection of **topology information** (relative between logical
     processors, cores, and processor packages)
   - Well-tested **production-quality** code:
     - 60+ mock tests based on data from real devices
     - Includes work-arounds for common bugs in hardware and OS kernels
     - Supports systems with heterogenous cores, such as **big.LITTLE**
       and Max.Med.Min
   - Permissive **open-source** license (Simplified BSD)
 This package ships with several binary utilities.

Package: dbar
Description-md5: 98b956d9ac40f06911e31773af032a5b
Description-is: general purpose ASCII graphic percentage meter/progressbar
 dbar lets you define static 0% and 100% marks or you can define these
 marks dynamically at runtime. Static and dynamic marks can be mixed, in
 this case the value specified at runtime will have a higher priority.
 You can specify ranges of numbers, negative, positive or ranges with a
 negative min value and positive max value.
   - Simple interface, perfect to use within your scripts
   - Trivial to intergrate with dzen

Package: ddgr
Description-md5: fbf97be4352d256c7db3959fdb002831
Description-is: DuckDuckGo from the terminal
  - Fast and clean (no ads, stray URLs or clutter), custom color
  - Navigate result pages from omniprompt, open URLs in browser
  - Search and option completion scripts for Bash, Zsh and Fish
  - DuckDuckGo Bang support (along with completion)
  - Open the first result directly in browser (as in I'm Feeling Ducky)
  - Non-stop searches: fire new searches at omniprompt without exiting
  - Keywords (e.g. filetype:mime, support
  - Specify region, disable safe search
  - HTTPS proxy support, Do Not Track set, optionally disable User Agent
  - Support custom url handler script or cmdline utility
  - Comprehensive documentation, man page with handy usage examples
  - Minimal dependencies

Package: digikam
Description-md5: 1dd6f83ea15e9366fba2298afd075680
Description-is: KDE forrit til að sýsla með stafrænar ljósmyndir
 Myndaumsýsluforrit sem hannað er til að flytja inn, skipuleggja, laga,
 leita og senda myndir til og frá tölvunni þinni.
 It provides a simple interface which makes importing and organizing
 digital photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers
 of digital photographs in albums and to organize these photographs for
 easy retrieval using tags (keywords), captions, collections, dates,
 geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing,
 processing and sharing your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital
 asset management (DAM) software including powerful image editing
 An easy-to-use camera interface is provided, that will connect to your
 digital camera and download photographs directly into digiKam albums. More
 than 1000 digital cameras are supported by the gphoto2 library. Of course,
 any media or card reader supported by your operating system will interface
 with digiKam.
 digiKam incorporates a fast Image Editor with many image editing tools.
 You can use the Image Editor to view your photographs, comment and rate
 them, correct, enhance and alter them. The editing power can be easily
 extended by a set of plugins, the KDE Image Plugins Interface (manual)
 While digiKam remains easy to use, it provides professional level features
 by the dozens. It is fully 16 bit enabled including all available plugins,
 supports RAW format conversion through libraw, DNG export and ICC color
 management work flow.

Package: elpa-find-file-in-project
Description-md5: d8eb766e1e5f5e2a078f215a5b0b5dce
Description-is: quick access to project files in Emacs
 This library provides methods for quickly finding any file in a project.
 It uses GNU Find by default, but can also use (the significantly faster)
 fd-find.  Find-file-in-project supports the following candidate selection
 interfaces: Consult, Helm, Ido, Ivy, Selectrum, and the Emacs built-in
 By default, FFIP will search for files in a local Git, Subversion, or
 Mercurial repository.  FFIP uses TRAMP to find files in remote
 repositories, and claims this is "flawlessly" supported.
   * Fast!  Tested with projects that have 50,000+ files
   * Find's behaviour can be tweaked using ffip-find-options
   * Smart! The keyword "helloWorld", returns "HelloWorld.html",
     "hello-world.css", and "HelloWorld.js".
   * Enhances diff-mode with more convenient patch-handling, including
     diff creation, application, finding the file associated with a given
     hunk, and jumping to the section relevant to that hunk
   * No configuration required.  Find-file-in-project works out-of-the-box
   * Supports evil-mode, with additional configuration (see README)

Package: elpa-nov
Description-md5: 021ed319c8832bfe5437072f4ed5d3eb
Description-is: featureful EPUB (ebook) reader mode for Emacs
 nov.el provides a major mode for reading EPUB documents (ebooks) in Emacs.
   - Basic navigation (jump to TOC, previous/next chapter)
   - Remembering and restoring the last read position
   - Jump to next chapter when scrolling beyond end
   - Renders EPUB2 (.ncx) and EPUB3 (<nav>) TOCs
   - Hyperlinks to internal and external targets
   - Supports textual and image documents
   - View source of document files
   - Metadata display
   - Image rescaling

Package: elpa-pyim
Description-md5: 35ae1bb80de6d5cfb02fb07d4e1ed562
Description-is: Chinese input method support quanpin, shuangpin, wubi, cangjie and rime
 pyim is a Chinese input method in the Emacs environment. The code of pyim
 is derived from Emacs-eim, which development stopped after 2008. Although
 the external input method is powerful, it can't cooperate with Emacs
 tacitly, which greatly damages the feeling of Emacs.
  - pyim supports Quanpin, Shuangpin, Wubi and Cangjie, among which
 Quanpin is the best;
  - pyim optimizes the input method by adding thesaurus;
  - pyim uses the text lexicon format, which is convenient for  processing;
  - pyim can be used as the front end for rime.

Package: eterm
Description-md5: 32ac0d46ea64df4dd82d41c7ed7b886d
Description-is: Enlightened skjáhermir
 A terminal emulator in the spirit of xterm or rxvt, eterm uses an
 Enlightenment style config file, as well as themes.  The Imlib2 graphics
 engine is used to render images. This version supports background images,
 pixmapped scrollbars, pseudo-transparency, and POSIX threads.

Package: fbreader
Description-md5: d5d9fd4160efb84c515b7fdc83408d1c
Description-is: Rafbókalesari
 FBReader is an e-book reader.
 Main features:
  * supports several open e-book formats: fb2, html, chm, plucker,
    palmdoc, ztxt, tcr (psion text), rtf, oeb, openreader, non-DRM'ed
    mobipocket, plain text, epub, eReader
  * reads directly from tar, zip, gzip, bzip2 archives (you can have
    several books in one archive)
  * supports a structured view of your e-book collection
  * automatically determines encodings
  * automatically generates a table of contents
  * keeps the last open book and the last read positions for all open books
    between runs
  * automatic hyphenation (patterns for several languages are included)
  * searching and downloading books from and
  * partial CSS support for epub files

Package: fd-find
Description-md5: 35e6be181e7a38f72537091a1e6d254a
Description-is: Simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find
 While it does not seek to mirror all of find's powerful functionality, fd
 provides sensible (opinionated) defaults for 80% of the use cases.
  * Convenient syntax: ‘fd PATTERN’ instead of ‘find -iname '*PATTERN*'’.
  * Colorized terminal output (similar to ls).
  * It's fast, often faster than find.
  * Smart case.
  * Ignores hidden directories and files, by default.
  * Ignores patterns from your .gitignore, by default.
  * Regular expressions.
  * Unicode-awareness.
  * Parallel command execution with a syntax similar to GNU Parallel.
  Please note: the executable and the associated manpage were renamed
  from ‘fd’ to ‘fdfind’ because of a file name clash.

Package: frescobaldi
Description-md5: 7e3a8966b55e721550f9e11b9d0e5617
Description-is: LilyPond sheet music text editor
 Frescobaldi is a LilyPond sheet music editor.  It aims to be powerful, yet
 lightweight and easy to use.  Frescobaldi is Free Software, freely
 available under the GNU General Public License.
  * Powerful text editor with syntax highlighting and automatic completion
  * Music view with advanced Point & Click
  * MIDI player to proof-listen LilyPond-generated MIDI files
  * MIDI capturing to enter music
  * Powerful Score Wizard to quickly setup a music score
  * Snippet Manager to store and apply text snippets, templates or scripts
  * Use multiple versions of LilyPond, automatically selects the correct version
  * Built-in LilyPond documentation browser and built-in Frescobaldi User Guide
  * Smart layout-control functions like coloring specific objects in the PDF
  * MusicXML, MIDI and ABC import
  * Modern user interface with configurable colors, fonts and keyboard shortcuts
  * Translated into Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Czech, Russian,
    Spanish, Galician, Turkish, Polish, Brazillian Portuguese and Ukrainian.
 Music functions:
  * Transpose music
  * Change music from relative to absolute and vice versa
  * Change the language used for note names
  * Change the rhythm (double, halve, add/remove dots, copy, paste) etc.
  * Hyphenate lyrics using word-processor hyphenation dictionaries
  * Add spanners, dynamics, articulation easily using the Quick Insert panel
  * Update LilyPond syntax using convert-ly, with display of differences
 In order to use lyric hyphenation, please install your languages'
 appropriate hyphenation packages, e.g. hyphen-fr for French, hyphen-ca for
 Catalan, etc.
 Frescobaldi is designed to run on all major operating systems (Linux,
 macOS and MS Windows).  It is named after Girolamo Frescobaldi
 (1583-1643), an Italian composer of keyboard music in the late Renaissance
 and early Baroque period.

Package: gav
Description-md5: 07ea36d89b6cf17e94312f54a7cb7da2
Description-is: GPL Blakleikur
 GAV stands for GPL Arcade Volleyball, and is an SDL remake of the old DOS
 game Arcade Volleyball. It includes multiplayer, networking, and themeable
 graphics support.
 More information, as well as additional themes, can be found at

Package: gbonds
Description-md5: 08cc8581a66fc2ee392369a9b2c67287
Description-is: U.S. Savings Bond inventory program for GNOME
 GBonds is a U.S. Savings Bond inventory program for the GNOME desktop
 environment.  It allows you to track the current redemption value and
 performance of your U.S. Savings Bonds and keep a valuable record of the
 bonds you own.
   * Tracks savings notes and series E, EE, and I savings bonds.
   * Uses U.S. Treasury Department redemption files without modification.
   * Imports inventories created with Savings Bond Wizard.
   * Tracks current value of both individual bonds and an entire inventory.
   * Prints inventories.  It is important to keep a permanent record of your
     bonds in a separate location in case you ever need to replace them.

Package: geany-plugin-lineoperations
Description-md5: 325a2c0de38437db83563a094a80ba2e
Description-is: Line Operations plugin for Geany
 Line Operations is an assortment of simple line functions that can be
 applied to an open file.
  * Remove Duplicate Lines, sorted
  * Remove Duplicate Lines, ordered
  * Remove Unique Lines
  * Remove Empty Lines
  * Remove Whitespace Lines
  * Sort Lines Ascending
  * Sort Lines Descending
 Geany is a small and lightweight integrated development environment using
 the Gtk+ toolkit.

Package: gkrellm
Description-md5: 73229655651f0072be499e6775eada06
Description-is: GNU Krell eftirlit
 With a single process, gkrellm manages multiple stacked monitors and
 supports applying themes to match the monitors appearance to your window
 manager, Gtk, or any other theme.

Package: gnote
Description-md5: 7d8e1d6e363a6e9deaaf777262bb05a8
Description-is: glósuforrit sem notar Wiki-tengla
 Gnote is a desktop note-taking application which is simple and easy to
 use. It lets you organise your notes intelligently by allowing you to
 easily link ideas together with Wiki style interconnects.
 It is a port of Tomboy to C++ and consumes less resources.

Package: golang-github-alecthomas-repr-dev
Description-md5: 925957333de0ebef5c7ea9e5a1a718ee
Description-is: Python's repr() for Go
 The repr package attempts to represent Go values in a form that can be
 used almost directly in Go source code.
 Unfortunately, some values (such as pointers to basic types) cannot be
 represented directly in Go.  These values will be represented as &<value>,
 e.g. &23
   type test struct {
     S string
     I int
     A []int
   func main() {
       S: "String",
       I: 123,
       A: []int{1, 2, 3},
   &main.test{S: "String", I: 123, A: []int{1, 2, 3}}

Package: golang-github-calmh-randomart-dev
Description-md5: 24d49339979b6d803a0de58c99825331
Description-is: generates OpenSSH-style randomart (Go library)
 Go package randomart generates OpenSSH style "randomart" images based on
 key fingerprints.
   data := []byte{ 0x9b, 0x4c, 0x7b, 0xce, 0x7a, 0xbd, 0x0a, 0x13,
                   0x61, 0xfb, 0x17, 0xc2, 0x06, 0x12, 0x0c, 0xed }
   ra := randomart.Generate(data, "RSA 2048")
   +--[ RSA 2048 ]---+
   |    .+.          |
   |      o.         |
   |     .. +        |
   |      Eo =       |
   |        S + .    |
   |       o B . .   |
   |        B o..    |
   |         *...    |
   |        .o+...   |

Package: golang-github-cristalhq-hedgedhttp-dev
Description-md5: 6b8852a563c484c84ac94a14db7b9f3b
Description-is: Hedged HTTP client which helps to reduce tail latency at scale (library)
 See paper Tail at Scale (
 tail-at-scale/fulltext) by Jeffrey Dean, Luiz André Barroso. In short: the
 client first sends one request, but then sends an additional request after
 a timeout if the previous hasn't returned an answer in the expected time.
 The client cancels remaining requests once the first result is received.
  * Simple API.
  * Easy to integrate.
  * Optimized for speed.
  * Clean and tested code.
  * Supports http.Client and http.RoundTripper.
  * Dependency-free.

Package: golang-github-go-resty-resty-dev
Description-md5: 2753eef7d90df82ccda9b72f33cb543e
Description-is: Simple HTTP and REST client library for Go
  * Simple and chainable methods for settings and request
  * Request Body can be string, []byte, struct, map, slice and io.Reader too
  * Response object gives you more possibility
  * Automatic marshal and unmarshal for JSON and XML content type
  * Easy to upload one or more file(s) via multipart/form-data
  * Request URL Path Params (aka URI Params)
  * Resty client HTTP & REST Request and Response middlewares
 And much more.

Package: golang-github-graph-gophers-graphql-go-dev
Description-md5: c7e48b30ac74af7039208c00623d4630
Description-is: GraphQL server with a focus on ease of use
 graphql-go is a GraphQL server library with the goal to provide full
 support of the GraphQL draft specification ( with a set of idiomatic, easy to
 use Go packages.
  - minimal API
  - support for context.Context
  - support for the OpenTracing standard
  - schema type-checking against resolvers
  - resolvers are matched to the schema based on method sets
  - handles panics in resolvers
  - parallel execution of resolvers

Package: golang-github-hairyhenderson-go-codeowners-dev
Description-md5: 6396f252eacd6a069165779ae3049e90
Description-is: Go package that finds and parses GitHub CODEOWNERS files
 go-codeowners is a Go package that finds and parses CODEOWNERS files; see
  * operates on local repos
  * doesn't require a cloned repo (i.e. doesn't need a .git directory to
    be present at the repo's root)
  * can be called from within a repo (doesn't have to be at the root)
  * will find CODEOWNERS files in all documented locations: the repo's
    root, docs/, and .github/ (or .gitlab/ for GitLab repos)

Package: golang-github-jackc-puddle-dev
Description-md5: c52379209cf3dddd0d4ce6212b082c3c
Description-is: Generic resource pool for Go (library)
 Puddle is a tiny generic resource pool library for Go that uses the
 standard context library to signal cancellation of acquires. It is
 designed to contain the minimum functionality required for a resource
 pool. It can be used directly or it can be used as the base for a domain
 specific resource pool. For example, a database connection pool may use
 puddle internally and implement health checks and keep-alive behavior
 without needing to implement any concurrent code of its own.
  * Acquire cancellation via context standard library
  * Statistics API for monitoring pool pressure
  * No dependencies outside of standard library
  * High performance
  * 100% test coverage

Package: golang-github-leonelquinteros-gotext-dev
Description-md5: a55a75ce38bd77f9991a6f5c228be466
Description-is: Go GNU gettext utilities package (library)
 GNU gettext utilities ( for Go.
  * Implements GNU gettext support in native Go.
  * Complete support for PO files
        * Support for multiline strings and headers.
        * Support for variables inside translation strings using Go's fmt
        syntax (
        * Support for pluralization rules
        * Support for message contexts
  * Support for MO files.
  * Thread-safe: This package is safe for concurrent use across multiple
  * It works with UTF-8 encoding as it's the default for Go language.
  * Unit tests available.
  * Language codes are automatically simplified from the form en_UK to en
    if the first isn't available.
  * Ready to use inside Go templates.
  * Objects are serializable to []byte to store them in cache.
  * Support for Go Modules.

Package: golang-github-mikesmitty-edkey-dev
Description-md5: 3899777a3c0aececeae83175b15cde58
Description-is: generates ED25519 private keys in the OpenSSH private key format (Go library)
 Go package edkey allows you to marshal/write ED25519 private keys in the
 OpenSSH private key format.
   package main
   import (
   func main() {
       // Generate a new private/public keypair for OpenSSH
       pubKey, privKey, _ := ed25519.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
       publicKey, _ := ssh.NewPublicKey(pubKey)
       pemKey := &pem.Block{
           Type:  "OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY",
           Bytes: edkey.MarshalED25519PrivateKey(privKey),
       privateKey := pem.EncodeToMemory(pemKey)
       authorizedKey := ssh.MarshalAuthorizedKey(publicKey)
       _ = ioutil.WriteFile("id_ed25519", privateKey, 0600)
       _ = ioutil.WriteFile("", authorizedKey, 0644)

Package: golang-github-muesli-sasquatch-dev
Description-md5: 83ec13a7acb719c2d7148f6c8752eba1
Description-is: simple data encryption library for Go
 A simple data encryption library, heavily inspired by @Benjojo12 and
 @FiloSottile's fantastic "age" project.
  * Multiple recipients
  * Supports encrypting with your existing SSH keys / ssh-agent
  * Convenient API
 Crypto Backends:
  * ssh-rsa
  * ssh-ed25519
  * ssh-agent signing challenge (excluding ECDSA identities, as ECDSA
    signatures aren't deterministic)
  * scrypt / password

Package: golang-github-otiai10-copy-dev
Description-md5: c8e1ea15a962dedcc6a581335ec5f68c
Description-is: Golang copy directory recursively (library)
 copies directories recursively.
 go err := Copy("your/directory", "your/directory.copy")

Package: golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2-dev
Description-md5: d4d146a64944f7d612ad0684ad3adbac
Description-is: Go library for the TOML format (go-toml v2)
 go-toml v2 is a Go library for the TOML format. It supports TOML (Tom's
 Obvious, Minimal Language) version v1.0.0.
 Stdlib behavior As much as possible, this library is designed to behave
 similarly as the standard library's encoding/json.
 Performance While go-toml favors usability, it is written with performance
 in mind. Most operations should not be shockingly slow.
 Strict mode Decoder can be set to "strict mode", which makes it error when
 some parts of the TOML document was not prevent in the target structure.
 This is a great way to check for typos.
 Contextualized errors When decoding errors occur, go-toml returns
 DecodeError), which contains a human readable contextualized version of
 the error.
 Local date and time support TOML supports native local date/times. It
 allows to represent a given date, time, or date-time without relation to a
 timezone or offset. To support this use-case, go-toml provides LocalDate,
 LocalTime, and LocalDateTime. Those types can be transformed to and from
 time.Time, making them convenient yet unambiguous structures for their
 respective TOML representation.

Package: golang-github-vmihailenco-msgpack.v5-dev
Description-md5: b40346295bbaefe59c24d4dc88761c3f
Description-is: MessagePack ( encoding for Golang (library)
 MessagePack encoding for Golang
  * Primitives, arrays, maps, structs, time.Time and interface{}.
  * Appengine \*datastore.Key and datastore.Cursor.
  * CustomEncoder/CustomDecoder interfaces for custom encoding.
  * Extensions to encode type information.
  * Renaming fields via msgpack:"my_field_name" and alias via
  * Omitting individual empty fields via msgpack:",omitempty" tag or all
    empty fields in a struct.
  * Map keys sorting.
  * Encoding/decoding all structs as arrays or individual structs.
  * Encoder.SetCustomStructTag with Decoder.SetCustomStructTag
    can turn msgpack into drop-in replacement for any tag.
  * Simple but very fast and efficient queries.

Package: golang-github-yosssi-ace-dev
Description-md5: d42217790c8e46862cef3c5394716f82
Description-is: HTML template engine for Go (library package)
 Ace is an HTML template engine for Go.  This is inspired by Slim
 ( and Jade ( This is a
 refinement of Gold (
   = doctype html
   html lang=en
     title Hello Ace
     = css
       h1 { color: blue; }
     h1 {{.Msg}}
         Ace is an HTML template engine for Go.
         This engine simplifies HTML coding in Go web application development.
     = javascript
       console.log('Welcome to Ace');
 This package provides the Ace library for the Go Programming Language

Package: golang-github-yuin-goldmark-dev
Description-md5: bc9f24d978401b48ed1f8db74032a057
Description-is: CommonMark compliant and extensible Markdown parser written in Go
 goldmark is a Markdown parser written in Go.  It is easy to extend,
 standard compliant, and well structured.  It is compliant with CommonMark
 0.30, and supports extensions from GitHub Flavored Markdown and PHP
 Markdown Extra.
  * Standard compliant.  goldmark gets full compliance with the latest
    CommonMark spec.
  * Extensible.  Do you want to add a @username mention syntax to Markdown?
    You can easily do it in goldmark. You can add your AST nodes, parsers
    for block level elements, parsers for inline level elements,
    transformers for paragraphs, transformers for whole AST structure, and
  * Performance.  goldmark performs pretty much equally to cmark, the
    CommonMark reference implementation written in C.
  * Robust. goldmark is tested with go-fuzz, a fuzz testing tool.
  * Builtin extensions.  goldmark ships with common extensions like tables,
    strikethrough, task lists, and definition lists.
  * Depends only on standard libraries.

Package: googler
Description-md5: 815a3aaafee514f2bb2afc49b150aba1
Description-is: Power tool to Google (Web & News) and Google Site Search from the terminal
  - Google Search, Google Site Search, Google News
  - Fast and clean (no ads, stray URLs or clutter), customisable color
  - Open result URLs (or the actual search) in browser
  - Navigate search result pages from omniprompt
  - Fetch n results in a go, start at the nth result
  - Disable automatic spelling correction and search exact keywords
  - Limit search by duration, country/domain specific search (default: .com),
    language preference
  - Supports Google search keywords like 'filetype:mime', ''
  - Optionally open the first result directly in browser
    (as in "I'm Feeling Lucky")
  - Non-stop searches: fire new searches at omniprompt without exiting
  - Proxy support
  - Man page with examples, shell completion scripts for Bash, Zsh and Fish

Package: granatier
Description-md5: 9c1cc3a6aa86ca29a9daa93e6c56892a
Description-is: Bomberman klón
 Granatier is a clone of the classic Bomberman game, inspired by the work
 of the Clanbomber clone.
 This package is part of the KDE games module.

Package: gsmartcontrol
Description-md5: e7025374264e10b98903583375662dd7
Description-is: graphical user interface for smartctl
 GSmartControl is a graphical user interface for smartctl, which is a tool
 for querying and controlling SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and
 Reporting Technology) data on modern hard disk drives. It allows you to
 inspect the drive's SMART data to determine its health, as well as run
 various tests on it.
  * automatically reports and highlights any anomalies;
  * allows enabling/disabling Automatic Offline Data Collection;
  * allows enabling/disabling SMART itself;
  * supports configuration of global and per-drive options for smartctl;
  * performs SMART self-tests;
  * displays drive IDs, capabilities, attributes, and self-test/error logs;
  * can read in smartctl data from a saved file, interpreting it as a read-only
    virtual device.

Package: hv3
Description-md5: 35fe63ca16cc74be8e40ed5da1005671
Description-is: Léttur vefskoðari
 Hv3 is a cross-platform web browser with support for modern web standards
 like HTML, CSS, HTTP.
 ECMAScript (a.k.a. javascript) is not supported since the corresponding
 library (SEE) is not available in Debian yet.

Package: inotify-hookable
Description-md5: b4d2cca9ab33dc8d56091fa8b94b30fe
Description-is: blocking command-line interface to inotify
 inotify-hookable is a program that monitor files with Linux inotify. This
 program accepts options to specify the files to be monitored and the
 command to run when a file has changed (based in kernel inotify)
 inotify-hookable main advantage over inotifywait are:
  - command to run after watch can be specified with an option
  - emacs and vi backup files are ignored by default
  inotify-hookable -f foo.c -c 'gcc -o foo foo.c'

Package: j2cli
Description-md5: 1eca30dddb3da4e104b3b7138b5c255c
Description-is: Command line tool for templating in shell-scripts
 leveraging the Jinja2 library.
    - Jinja2 templating
    - INI, YAML, JSON data sources supported
    - Allows the use of environment variables in templates! Hello Docker :)

Package: kapman
Description-md5: 1d94f103a6072e04515d6984872e0b4b
Description-is: PacMan klóni
 Kapman is a clone of the well known game Pac-Man. You must go through the
 levels escaping ghosts in a maze. You lose a life when a ghost eats you,
 but you can eat the ghosts for a few seconds when eating an energizer. You
 win points when eating pills, energizers, and bonus, and you win one life
 for each 10,000 points.  When you have eaten all the pills and energizers
 of a level, you go to the next level, and the player and ghost speeds
 This package is part of the KDE games module.

Package: keepassxc
Description-md5: 5584cb9ad73a0660f4c66ea6039698f2
Description-is: Lykilorðaumsýsla óháð kerfum
 KeePassXC is a free/open-source password manager or safe which helps you
 to manage your passwords in a secure way. You can put all your passwords
 in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key-disk. So you
 only have to remember one single master password or insert the key-disk to
 unlock the whole database. The databases are encrypted using the
 algorithms AES or Twofish.
 In contrast to KeePassX (package keepassx), KeePassXC is actively
 developed and has more features, e.g., connectivity to a Web Browser
 plugin (package webext-keepassxc-browser).

Package: klaus
Description-md5: 54a8a1fbe9e4d4e13d1cf6badd60f2a1
Description-is: simple easy-to-set-up Git web viewer
  * Easy to set up -- almost no configuration required
  * Syntax highlighting
  * Git Smart HTTP support
 This package contains the command-line server.

Package: ktnef
Description-md5: c7171a2d984d2a98d6cb80daec8be6e2
Description-is: Skoðari fyrir póstviðhengi sem eru í TNEF formi.
 The TNEF File Viewer allows one to handle easily mail attachments using
 the TNEF format. Those attachments are usually found in mails coming from
 Microsoft mail servers and embed the mail properties as well as the actual
 An attachment in TNEF format is most often named winmail.dat or win.dat.

Package: lf
Description-md5: 2c2c1b59875399ad7c8875f3759681d6
Description-is: terminal file manager written in Go
 lf (as in "list files") is a terminal file manager written in Go. It is
 heavily inspired by ranger with some missing and extra features. Some of
 the missing features are deliberately omitted since they are better
 handled by external tools.
  - Single binary without any runtime dependencies (except terminfo database)
  - Fast startup and low memory footprint
  - Server/client architecture to share file selection between multiple
  - Configuration with shell commands
  - Customizable keybindings (vi and readline defaults)
  - Preview filtering (for source highlighting, archives, PDFs/images as text)

Package: libavkys-dev
Description-md5: bf294f5c151794899609db28a5cdbe10
Description-is: full featured webcam capture application - dev
 webcamoid allows one to capture, save and view a video stream. It also can
 do a lot of funny things.
  * Take pictures and record videos with the webcam.
  * Manages multiple webcams.
  * GUI interface.
  * Custom controls for each webcam.
  * Add funny effects to the webcam.
  * +60 effects available.
  * Effects with live previews.
  * Translated to many languages.
  * Use custom network and local files as capture devices.
  * Capture from desktop.
  * Many recording formats.
  * Virtual webcam support for feeding other programs.
 This package contains the development files of libavkys.

Package: libavkys9
Description-md5: 046e6566388c104b2e267424d7475104
Description-is: full featured webcam capture application - library
 webcamoid allows one to capture, save and view a video stream. It also can
 do a lot of funny things.
  * Take pictures and record videos with the webcam.
  * Manages multiple webcams.
  * GUI interface.
  * Custom controls for each webcam.
  * Add funny effects to the webcam.
  * +60 effects available.
  * Effects with live previews.
  * Translated to many languages.
  * Use custom network and local files as capture devices.
  * Capture from desktop.
  * Many recording formats.
  * Virtual webcam support for feeding other programs.
 This package contains the library for webcamoid.

Package: libcache-simple-timedexpiry-perl
Description-md5: 46ed4ee94fbbfd5e356813cc5635ed50
Description-is: Perl module to cache and expire key/value pairs
 my $h = new Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry;
 $h->set(Forever => "Don't expire", 0); do {$h->set($_,"Value of $_", 1);
 sleep 2;} for qw(Have a nice day); $,=' '; print $h->elements; $h->dump;
 sleep 4; print $h->elements; $h->dump;

Package: libclass-data-accessor-perl
Description-md5: 8cd60cb88df24f04898b4e18b894906f
Description-is: Inheritable, overridable class and instance data accessor creation
 Class::Data::Accessor is the marriage of Class::Accessor and
 Class::Data::Inheritable into a single module. It is used for creating
 accessors to class properties that is overridable in subclasses as well as
 in class instances.
 Til dæmis:
 will generate the method Suitcase() in the class Pere::Ubu.
 This new method can be used to get and set a piece of class property.
   $suitcase = Pere::Ubu->Suitcase;

Package: libcpuinfo-dev
Description-md5: 05fd14a2620097145c3ff8f1ef7a1ea5
Description-is: CPU INFOrmation library (header file)
 cpuinfo is a library to detect essential for performance optimization
 information about host CPU.
   - **Cross-platform** availability:
     - Linux, Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS operating systems
     - x86, x86-64, ARM, and ARM64 architectures
   - Modern **C/C++ interface**
     - Thread-safe
     - No memory allocation after initialization
     - No exceptions thrown
   - Detection of **supported instruction sets**, up to AVX512 (x86) and
     ARMv8.3 extensions
   - Detection of SoC and core information:
     - **Processor (SoC) name**
     - Integrated **GPU name** (Android/iOS only)
     - Vendor, **microarchitecture**, and ID (**MIDR** on ARM, **CPUID**
       leaf 1 EAX value on x86) for each CPU core
   - Detection of **cache information**:
     - Cache type (instruction/data/unified), size and line size
     - Cache associativity
     - Cores and logical processors (hyper-threads) sharing the cache
   - Detection of **topology information** (relative between logical
     processors, cores, and processor packages)
   - Well-tested **production-quality** code:
     - 60+ mock tests based on data from real devices
     - Includes work-arounds for common bugs in hardware and OS kernels
     - Supports systems with heterogenous cores, such as **big.LITTLE**
       and Max.Med.Min
   - Permissive **open-source** license (Simplified BSD)
 This package ships with the header file.

Package: libcpuinfo0
Description-md5: 2a028083fb0ded07b60c6de48d30d6aa
Description-is: CPU INFOrmation library (shared object)
 cpuinfo is a library to detect essential for performance optimization
 information about host CPU.
   - **Cross-platform** availability:
     - Linux, Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS operating systems
     - x86, x86-64, ARM, and ARM64 architectures
   - Modern **C/C++ interface**
     - Thread-safe
     - No memory allocation after initialization
     - No exceptions thrown
   - Detection of **supported instruction sets**, up to AVX512 (x86) and
     ARMv8.3 extensions
   - Detection of SoC and core information:
     - **Processor (SoC) name**
     - Integrated **GPU name** (Android/iOS only)
     - Vendor, **microarchitecture**, and ID (**MIDR** on ARM, **CPUID**
       leaf 1 EAX value on x86) for each CPU core
   - Detection of **cache information**:
     - Cache type (instruction/data/unified), size and line size
     - Cache associativity
     - Cores and logical processors (hyper-threads) sharing the cache
   - Detection of **topology information** (relative between logical
     processors, cores, and processor packages)
   - Well-tested **production-quality** code:
     - 60+ mock tests based on data from real devices
     - Includes work-arounds for common bugs in hardware and OS kernels
     - Supports systems with heterogenous cores, such as **big.LITTLE**
       and Max.Med.Min
   - Permissive **open-source** license (Simplified BSD)
 This package ships with the shared object.

Package: libdatetime-format-human-duration-perl
Description-md5: a9bcc91adfe91b10173340cf58a7b2f4
Description-is: Perl module to return a locale-specific string describing a DateTime::Duration
 DateTime::Format::Human::Duration returns a locale-specific human-readable
 string describing a DateTime::Duration object.
 Til dæmis:
 1 second
 2 minutes and 3 seconds
 3 weeks, 1 day, and 5 seconds
 4 years, 1 month, 2 days, 6 minutes, 1 second, and 345000028 nanoseconds

Package: libgral-java
Description-md5: 3a7fcc8f2514ac04de09fd8725cb19c0
Description-is: Java library for displaying plots (graphs, diagrams, and charts)
 GRAL is a free Java library for displaying plots (graphs, diagrams, and
 charts). The acronym GRAL simply stands for GRAphing Library.
  * Ready-to-use classes for data management
  * Data processing and filtering (smoothing, rescaling, statistics, histograms)
  * Many different plot types: xy/scatter plot, bubble plot, line plot,
    area plot, bar plot, pie plot, donut plot, box-and-whisker plot, raster plot
  * Legends: horizontal and vertical
  * Various axis types: linear axes, logarithmic axes, arbitrary number of axes
  * Several file formats are supported as data sources or data sinks (CSV,
    bitmap image data, audio file data)
  * Exporting plots in bitmap and vector file formats (PNG, GIF, JPEG, EPS, PDF,
  * Small footprint (about 300 kilobytes)

Package: libhdhomerun4
Description-md5: 79435849e7cf051dc826499522edea1f
Description-is: Library for Silicon Dust HD HomeRun
 This package supports the Silicon Dust HDHomeRun. The HDHomeRun is a
 networked, two tuner digital TV tuner compatible with MythTV, SageTV, and
 Deilt aðgerðasafn

Package: libjs-bignumber
Description-md5: 22318fdcc1b8fa747c76d29dfeb53cf6
Description-is: Arbitrary-precision decimal and non-decimal arithmetic (client)
    - Faster, smaller, and perhaps easier to use than Javascript versions of
      Java's BigDecimal
    - 5 KB minified and gzipped
    - Simple API but full-featured
    - Works with numbers with or without fraction digits in bases from 2 to 36
    - Replicates the toExponential, toFixed, toPrecision and toString methods of
      Javascript's Number type
    - Includes a toFraction and a squareRoot method
    - Stores values in an accessible decimal floating point format
    - No dependencies
    - Comprehensive documentation and test set
 If an even smaller and simpler library is required see big.js. It's half
 the size but only works with decimal numbers and only has half the
 methods. It neither allows NaN or Infinity, or have the configuration
 options of this library.
 This package provides bignumber support to clients (i.e. browsers).

Package: libjs-jquery-galleriffic
Description-md5: fcb526afa9b089940efbeb54aa466c68
Description-is: jQuery Galleriffic plugin
 Galleriffic is a jQuery plugin that provides a rich, post-back free
 experience optimized to handle high volumes of photos while conserving
    * Smart image preloading after the page is loaded
    * Thumbnail navigation (with pagination)
    * jQuery.history plugin integration to support bookmark-friendly
      URLs per-image
    * Slideshow (with optional auto-updating url bookmarks)
    * Keyboard navigation
    * Events that allow for adding your own custom transition effects
    * API for controlling the gallery with custom controls
    * Support for image captions
    * Flexible configuration
    * Graceful degradation when JavaScript is not available
    * Support for multiple galleries per page

Package: libjs-jquery-jush
Description-md5: f2b1f35eefbab85cabfc9a35d69f07a7
Description-is: jQuery Syntax Highlighter
 JavaScript Syntax Highlighter can be used for client-side syntax
 highlighting of following languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, HTTP
 and SMTP protocol, php.ini and Apache config.
  * Highlights languages embedded into each other
  * Links to documentation of all languages
  * Colors can be easily modified via CSS
  * Recognizes complete PHP syntax including __halt_compiler, heredoc,
    backticks, {$} variables inside strings, namespaces
  * Works in all major browsers including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera,
    Google Chrome

Package: libjs-jquery-meiomask
Description-md5: 0eb61e1ea0879750f1e6015d772a1bd0
Description-is: jQuery mask plugin
 meioMask is a simple use plugin for creating and applying masks at text
 input fields.
  * Accepts paste event;
  * Has fixed, reverse (currency) and repeat mask types;
  * You can still use your hot keys and others (ex: ctrl+t, ctrl+f5, TAB …);
  * Supports metadata plugin;
  * Works with iPhone;
  * Allow default values;
  * Has callbacks for invalid inputs, valid and overflow;
  * Has function to mask strings;
  * Support for positive and negative numbers on reverse masks;
  * Can auto-focus the next form element when the current input is
    completely filled.

Package: libjs-jquery-selectize.js
Description-md5: 8314f5b6362eb76bbe2a0f870b0393a0
Description-is: Extensible jQuery-based custom select UI control
 Selectize is an extensible jQuery-based custom <select> UI control. It's
 useful for tagging, contact lists, country selectors, and so on. The goal
 is to provide a solid & usable experience with a clean and powerful API.
  * Smart Option Searching / Ranking
    Options are efficiently scored and sorted on-the-fly (using
    libjs-sifter.js). Want to search an item's title *and*
    description?  No problem.
  * Caret between items
    Order matters sometimes. Use the left and right arrow keys to move
    between selected items.
  * Select and delete multiple items at once
    Hold down the CTRL key to select more than one item to delete.
  * Díåcritîçs supported
    Great for international environments.
  * Item creation
    Allow users to create items on the fly (async saving is supported;
    the control locks until the callback is fired).
  * Remote data loading
    For when you have thousands of options and want them provided by
    the server as the user types.
  * Clean API and code
    Interface with it and make modifications easily.
  * Extensible
    Plugin API for developing custom features (uses
  * Touch Support

Package: libjs-jquery-treetable
Description-md5: e58a11096391650e1c3994b41055be27
Description-is: jQuery treeTable Plugin
 The treeTable plugin allows you to display a tree in a table, i.e. a
 directory structure or a nested list. Each branch in this tree can be
 collapsed and expanded, just like in a file explorer in most modern
 operating systems.
   * Display a data tree in a table column.
   * As unobtrusively as possible.
   * Optional collapse/expand behavior on branches (think of
     how a directory structure works in most file explorers).
   * Prepared for drag & drop of branches/nodes.
   * Unlimited tree depth.

Package: libjs-prettify
Description-md5: f181027e46872383582621efc9d54d6a
Description-is: syntax highlighting of source code snippets in an html page
 A Javascript module and CSS file that allows syntax highlighting of source
 code snippets in an html page.
  * Works on HTML pages
  * Works even if code contains embedded links, line numbers, etc.
  * Simple API : include some JS&CSS and add an onload handler.
  * Customizable styles via CSS. See the themes gallery
  * Supports all C-like, Bash-like, and XML-like languages.
  * Extensible language handlers for other languages.
  * Widely used with good cross-browser support.

Package: libjs-xterm
Description-md5: 3c5fd37ab6e3122e45467c151886a870
Description-is: terminal front-end component for the browser - browser library
 Xterm.js is a terminal front-end component written in JavaScript that
 works in the browser.
 It enables applications to provide fully featured terminals to their users
 and create great development experiences.
   - **Text-based application support**: Use xterm.js to work with applications
     like `bash`, `git` etc.
   - **Curses-based application support**: Use xterm.js to work with
     applications like `vim`, `tmux` etc.
   - **Mouse events support**: Xterm.js captures mouse events like click and
     scroll and passes them to the terminal's back-end controlling process
   - **CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) character support**: Xterm.js renders
     CJK characters seamlessly
   - **IME support**: Insert international (including CJK) characters using IME
     input with your keyboard
   - **Self-contained library**: Xterm.js works on its own. It does not require
     any external libraries like jQuery or React to work
   - **Modular, event-based API**: Lets you build addons and themes with ease
 This package contains the standalone packed library suitable for running
 in a web browser.

Package: libjsmn-dev
Description-md5: 4ba1d4c1aa26b74c437df1bbe3efec65
Description-is: header-only JSON library
 Most JSON parsers offer you a bunch of functions to load JSON data, parse
 it and extract any value by its name. jsmn proves that checking the
 correctness of every JSON packet or allocating temporary objects to store
 parsed JSON fields often is an overkill.
 jsmn is designed to be robust (it should work fine even with erroneous
 data), fast (it should parse data on the fly), portable (no superfluous
 dependencies or non-standard C extensions). And of course, simplicity is a
 key feature - simple code style, simple algorithm, simple integration into
 other projects.
  * compatible with C89
  * no dependencies (even libc!)
  * highly portable (tested on x86/amd64, ARM, AVR)
  * about 200 lines of code
  * extremely small code footprint
  * API contains only 2 functions
  * no dynamic memory allocation
  * incremental single-pass parsing
  * library code is covered with unit-tests

Package: liblog-fast-perl
Description-md5: 688497acffbba8ad5591844cd8e08524
Description-is: fast and flexible logger
 Log::Fast is very fast logger, designed for use in applications with
 thousands high-level events/operations per second (like network servers
 with thousands clients or web spiders which download hundreds url per
 For example, on Core2Duo sending about 5000 messages to log on enabled log
 levels or 20000 messages on disabled log levels in one second will slow
 down your application only by 2-3%.
 Comparing to some other CPAN modules, this one (in average): faster than
 Log::Dispatch in about 45 times, faster than Log::Handler in about 15
 times, faster than Sys::Syslog in about 7 times, and slower than
 Log::Syslog::Fast in about 2 times.
  * Global and local logger objects
  * Output to any open filehandle or local syslog
  * 5 log levels: ERR, WARN, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG
  * Configurable prefix (log level, date/time, caller function name)
  * sprintf() support
  * Unicode support (UTF8)
  * Can avoid calculating log message content on disabled log levels

Package: libmongodb-java
Description-md5: 52a11228eee9abf4d87d93775e661a4b
Description-is: MongoDB Java Driver
 Debian package for the official MongoDB Java Driver providing both
 synchronous and asynchronous interaction with MongoDB. Powering the
 drivers is a new driver core and BSON library.
 BSON Library A standalone BSON library, with a new Codec infrastructure
 that you can use to build high-performance encoders and decoders without
 requiring an intermediate Map instance.
 MongoDB Driver An updated Java driver that includes the legacy API as well
 as a new generic MongoCollection interface that complies with a new cross-
 driver CRUD specification.
 MongoDB Async Driver A new asynchronous API that can leverage either Netty
 or Java 7's AsynchronousSocketChannel for fast and non-blocking IO.
 Core driver The MongoDB Driver and Async Driver are both built on top of a
 new core library, which anyone can use to build alternative or
 experimental high-level APIs.

Package: libperfmark-java
Description-md5: 614bce00248d8da9dba068ee7ebb035f
Description-is: High Performance Tracing Library for Java
 Low-overhead, manually-instrumented, tracing library for Java. Users can
 add the tracing function calls to their code to see how long each part
  * Very Low Overhead: When enabled, tracing a function call adds about 70ns.
    Tracing is done in a lock-free, wait-free, thread local buffer, which
    avoids interfering with your latency-sensitive code.
  * Dynamically Enabled: PerfMark can be enabled or disabled at runtime. When
    disabled, PerfMark has zero overhead, taking advantage of the JIT compiler
    to remove the tracing.
  * Inter-thread Communication: Existing profilers have difficulty expressing
    which thread wakes up and executes work on another thread. PerfMark allows
    users to express this relationship explicitly, making for a clear picture
    of how code flows.
  * Small Library Size: The PerfMark tracing API is only 5 KB in size, and has
    minimal dependencies making it easy to include in other projects. If no
    backend for recording the trace is present, the library safely disables
  * Multiple Java Versions: The PerfMark API supports Java 6, making it easy to
    include on older or constrained environments. Additionally, PerfMark
    includes optimized backends for Java 6, Java 7, and Java 9. Each of these
    backends is automatically loaded at runtime (if possible) and uses advanced
    JVM features for maximum speed.
  * Chrome Trace Viewer Integration: PerfMark can export to the Chrome Trace
    Event Format, making it easy to view in your Web Browser.

Package: libportsmf-dev
Description-md5: 9397c31b165890b13d8080d249f55866
Description-is: Portable Standard Midi File Library (development files)
 Portsmf is "Port Standard MIDI File", a cross-platform, C++ library for
 reading and writing Standard MIDI Files.
  - input and output of Standard MIDI Files
  - data structures, classes, etc. for representing music data in memory
    o sequence structure consisting of multiple tracks
    o track structure consisting of multiple events
    o events contain note and control data
    o extensible attribute-value property lists
    o tempo track and time signature representation
  - input and output of a text-based representation: Allegro files
  - extensive editing operations on sequences and tracks
  - conversion to/from binary buffers for archiving, undo/redo, etc.
 This package contains the development files.

Package: libportsmf0v5
Description-md5: 3447fc91d252aad27e8609d6417968d9
Description-is: Portable Standard Midi File Library
 Portsmf is "Port Standard MIDI File", a cross-platform, C++ library for
 reading and writing Standard MIDI Files.
  - input and output of Standard MIDI Files
  - data structures, classes, etc. for representing music data in memory
    o sequence structure consisting of multiple tracks
    o track structure consisting of multiple events
    o events contain note and control data
    o extensible attribute-value property lists
    o tempo track and time signature representation
  - input and output of a text-based representation: Allegro files
  - extensive editing operations on sequences and tracks
  - conversion to/from binary buffers for archiving, undo/redo, etc.

Package: librdata-dev
Description-md5: 9439c7ea02a08eb4e6d60e9f025fab46
Description-is: Read and write R data frames from C (dev files)
 Originally part of ReadStat, librdata is a small C library for reading and
 writing R data frames.
  - Read both RData and RDS formats
  - Read compressed files (requires bzip2, zlib, and lzma)
  - Write factors, timestamps, logical vectors, and more
 This package distributes development files.

Package: librdata0
Description-md5: f000c2aed252898a66ca412b6fba95bf
Description-is: Read and write R data frames from C (runtime files)
 Originally part of ReadStat, librdata is a small C library for reading and
 writing R data frames.
  - Read both RData and RDS formats
  - Read compressed files (requires bzip2, zlib, and lzma)
  - Write factors, timestamps, logical vectors, and more
 This package distributes the shared object runtime library.

Package: libtwitter-api-perl
Description-md5: 9435f54bfbf8d1edbdca21434614f9fe
Description-is: Twitter REST API library for Perl
 Twitter::API provides an interface to the Twitter REST API for perl.
  * full support for all Twitter REST API endpoints
  * not dependent on a new distribution for new endpoint support
  * optionally specify access tokens per API call
  * error handling via an exception object that captures the full
    request/response context
  * full support for OAuth handshake and Xauth authentication
 Additional features are available via optional traits:
  * convenient methods for API endpoints with simplified argument
    handling via ApiMethods
  * normalized booleans (Twitter likes 'true' and 'false', except when
    it doesn't) via NormalizeBooleans
  * automatic decoding of HTML entities via DecodeHtmlEntities
  * automatic retry on transient errors via RetryOnError
  * "the whole enchilada" combines all the above traits via Enchilada
  * app-only (OAuth2) support via AppAuth
  * automatic rate limiting via RateLimiting

Package: libunirest-java-java
Description-md5: 78034e335cc8025eac37359ce1b60c60
Description-is: Simplified, lightweight HTTP client library
 Unirest is a set of lightweight HTTP libraries available in multiple
  * Both synchronous and asynchronous (non-blocking) requests
  * It supports form parameters, file uploads and custom body entities
  * Easily add route parameters without ugly string concatenations
  * Supports gzip
  * Supports Basic Authentication natively
  * Customizable timeout, concurrency levels and proxy settings
  * Customizable default headers for every request (DRY)
  * Customizable HttpClient and HttpAsyncClient implementation
  * Automatic JSON parsing into a native object for JSON responses
  * Customizable binding, with mapping from response body to java Object

Package: lxappearance
Description-md5: 241e2402ebe121f057152a0afd056987
Description-is: LXDE GTK+ theme switcher
 LXAppearance is a GUI application for the Lightweight X11 Desktop
 Environment (LXDE).
 It is a new feature-rich GTK+ theme switcher able to change GTK+ themes,
 icon themes, and fonts used by applications. GNOME/KDE/Xfce user may use
 build-in theme, this works for GTK+ based lightweight desktop Environment.
  * Choose GTK+ theme
  * Choose icon theme
  * Install new icon theme
  * Choose their favorite font
  * Choose toolbar style
  * See changes immediately in preview area

Package: macchanger
Description-md5: b3958cf2d904ea6ecdbefc5cd46ec519
Description-is: utility for manipulating the MAC address of network interfaces
 GNU MAC Changer is an utility that makes the maniputation of MAC addresses
 of network interfaces easier.  MAC addresses are unique identifiers on
 networks, they only need to be unique, they can be changed on most network
 hardware. MAC addresses have started to be abused by unscrupulous
 marketing firms, government agencies, and others to provide an easy way to
 track a computer across multiple networks.  By changing the MAC address
 regularly, this kind of tracking can be thwarted, or at least made a lot
 more difficult.
   * set specific MAC address of a network interface
   * set the MAC randomly
   * set a MAC of another vendor
   * set another MAC of the same vendor
   * set a MAC of the same kind (eg: wireless card)
   * display a vendor MAC list (today, 6200 items) to choose from

Package: mkdocs-material
Description-md5: d9c874ebbea234b600ca781049b1354c
Description-is: Material Design theme for MkDocs
 Create a branded static site from a set of Markdown files to host the
 documentation of your Open Source or commercial project – customizable,
 searchable, mobile-friendly, 40+ languages. Set up in 5 minutes.
   * It's just Markdown — write your technical documentation in plain Markdown –
     no need to know HTML, JavaScript, or CSS. Material for MkDocs will do the
     heavy lifting and convert your writing to a beautiful and functional
   * Responsive by design — built from the ground up to work on all sorts of
     devices – from mobile phones to widescreens. The underlying fluid layout
     will always adapt perfectly to the available screen space.
   * Static, yet searchable — almost magically, your technical documentation
     website will be searchable without any further ado. Material for MkDocs
     comes with built-in search – no server needed – that will instantly answer
     your users' queries.
   * Many configuration options — change the color palette, font families,
     language, icons, favicon and logo. Add a source repository link, links to
     your social profiles, Google Analytics and Disqus - all with a few lines of
   * Truly international — thanks to many contributors, Material for MkDocs
     includes translations for more than 40 languages and offers full native RTL
     uright-to-left) support for languages such as Arabic, Persian (Farsi) and
   * Accessible — Material for MkDocs provides extensible keyboard navigation
     and  semantic markup including role attributes and landmarks. Furthermore,
     the layout is entirely based on rem values, respecting the user's default
     font size.
   * Beyond GitHub Markdown — integrates natively with Python Markdown
     Extensions, offering additional elements like callouts, tabbed content
     containers, mathematical formulas, critic markup, task lists, and emojis.
   * Modern architecture — Material for MkDocs's underlying codebase is built
     with TypeScript, RxJS, and SCSS, and is compiled with Webpack, bringing
     excellent possibilities for theme extension and customization.

Package: morty
Description-md5: b73ad6ce55466f9d958bad385fda3dfa
Description-is: Privacy aware web content sanitizer proxy as a service
 Morty Web content sanitizer proxy as a service
 Morty rewrites web pages to exclude malicious HTML tags and attributes. It
 also replaces external resource references to prevent third party
 information leaks.
 The main goal of morty is to provide a result proxy for searx, but it can
 be used as a standalone sanitizer service too.
  - HTML sanitization
  - Rewrites HTML/CSS external references to locals
  - JavaScript blocking
  - No Cookies forwarded
  - No Referrers
  - No Caching/Etag
  - Supports GET/POST forms and IFrames
  - Optional HMAC URL verifier key to prevent service abuse

Package: mysqltuner
Description-md5: d079bed656ffe89a06c680dc18513f56
Description-is: high-performance MySQL tuning script
 High-performance MySQL tuning script written in perl that will provide you
 with a snapshot of a MySQL server?s health. Based on the statistics
 gathered, specific recommendations will be provided that will increase a
 MySQL server's efficiency and performance. The script gives you automated
 MySQL tuning that is on the level of what you would receive from a MySQL
    * Memory Usage: Calculates MySQL memory usage at max load and makes
      recommendations for increasing or decreasing the MySQL memory
      footprint. Per-thread and server-wide buffer data is calculated
      separately for an accurate snapshot of the server?s configuration.
    * Slow Queries: Reviews the amount of slow queries relative to the
      total queries. Slow query time limits are also analyzed and
      recommendations are made.
    * Connections: Current and historical connection counts are
    * Key Buffer: Takes configuration data and compares it to the actual
      indexes found in MyISAM tables. Key cache hit rates are calculated
      and variable adjustments are suggested.
    * Query Cache: Query cache hit rates and usage percentages are used
      to make recommendations for the query cache configuration
    * Sorting & Joins: Per-thread buffers that affect sorts and joins
      are reviewed along with the statistics from the queries run
      against the server.
    * Temporary Tables: Variable recommendations are made to reduce
      temporary tables that are written to the disk.
    * Table Cache: Compares total tables opened to the currently open
      tables. Calculates the table cache hit rate in order to make
    * Open Files: Determines if the server will approach or run into the
      open file limit set by the operating system or the MySQL server
    * Table Locks: Finds table locking that forces queries to wait and
      makes suggestions for reducing locks that require a wait.
    * Thread Cache: Calculates how many times MySQL must create a new
      thread to respond to a query.
    * Aborted Connections: Finds applications that are not closing
      connections to MySQL properly.
    * Read/Write Ratios: Calculates the percentage of read and write
      operations on your MySQL installation.

Package: node-bignumber
Description-md5: db8f7c554c023ae7775179e9c4f36faa
Description-is: Arbitrary-precision decimal and non-decimal arithmetic for Node.js
    - Faster, smaller, and perhaps easier to use than Javascript versions of
      Java's BigDecimal
    - 5 KB minified and gzipped
    - Simple API but full-featured
    - Works with numbers with or without fraction digits in bases from 2 to 36
    - Replicates the toExponential, toFixed, toPrecision and toString methods of
      Javascript's Number type
    - Includes a toFraction and a squareRoot method
    - Stores values in an accessible decimal floating point format
    - No dependencies
    - Comprehensive documentation and test set
 If an even smaller and simpler library is required see big.js. It's half
 the size but only works with decimal numbers and only has half the
 methods. It neither allows NaN or Infinity, or have the configuration
 options of this library.
 This package provides bignumber support to Node.js.

Package: node-xterm
Description-md5: fb5b7a68aaf8c158f85c5db47e4be578
Description-is: terminal front-end component for the browser - NodeJS modules
 Xterm.js is a terminal front-end component written in JavaScript that
 works in the browser.
 It enables applications to provide fully featured terminals to their users
 and create great development experiences.
   - **Text-based application support**: Use xterm.js to work with applications
     like `bash`, `git` etc.
   - **Curses-based application support**: Use xterm.js to work with
     applications like `vim`, `tmux` etc.
   - **Mouse events support**: Xterm.js captures mouse events like click and
     scroll and passes them to the terminal's back-end controlling process
   - **CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) character support**: Xterm.js renders
     CJK characters seamlessly
   - **IME support**: Insert international (including CJK) characters using IME
     input with your keyboard
   - **Self-contained library**: Xterm.js works on its own. It does not require
     any external libraries like jQuery or React to work
   - **Modular, event-based API**: Lets you build addons and themes with ease
 This package contains the unpacked individual xterm CommonJS modules.

Package: nsxiv
Description-md5: 860c4a405c01d96bd0a327bcf4cca01c
Description-is: neo simple X image viewer
 nsxiv (the Neo Simple X Image Viewer) is a fork of the now-unmaintained
 sxiv project, with the purpose of being a drop-in replacement for sxiv,
 maintaining its interface, and adding simple, sensible features. nsxiv
 aims to be easy to modify and customise, and works nicely with tiling
 window managers.
  - Basic image operations, e.g. zooming, panning, rotating
  - Customizable key and mouse button mappings
  - Scriptable via configuration files
  - Thumbnail mode: grid of selectable previews of all images
  - Ability to cache thumbnails for fast re-loading
  - Basic support for animated/multi-frame images (GIF/WebP)
  - Display image information in status bar
  - Display image name/path in X title

Package: nted
Description-md5: eccb14fd7802bce7e814bd3631bce034
Description-is: Grafískur nótnaritill
 NtEd is a GTK+ score editor. It intends to be really WYSIWYG: what you see
 on the screen is exactly what you get on printer output. It supports up to
 4 voices per staff, drum notes, 5 lyrics lines, N-Tuplets, context
 changes, repeats with alternatives, configurable music instruments per
 staff, MIDI / MusicXML import, PS / PDF / SVG / PNG / Lilypond / MIDI
 export. Scores can be played through the ALSA sequencer.

Package: openbox-lxde-session
Description-md5: 5475097460208980d4b5d0d46ed3a34c
Description-is: LXDE session manager and configuration files
 LXDE (the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) is a project aimed to
 provide a desktop environment which is lightweight and fast.
 It's not designed to be powerful and bloated, but to be usable and slim
 enough, and keep the resource usage low. Different from other desktop
 environments, LXDE doesn't tightly integrate every component. Instead,
 LXDE tries to make all components independent, and each of them can be
 used independently with fewer dependencies.
  * Lightweight, runs with reasonable memory usage
  * Fast, runs well even on older machines produced in 1999
  * Good-looking, GTK+ 2 internationalized user interface
  * Easy-to-use, the user interface is simple, but usable enough
  * Desktop independent (surprise! Every component can be used without LXDE)
  * Standard compliant, follows the specs on
 This package depends on minimal set of components (lxsession, openbox, and
 lxde-screenlock.desktop file), and contains all the session-specific
 configuration files required to start a LXDE desktop session from a
 display manager such as GDM.

Package: openclipart
Description-md5: 072611e96db6eed945e4f9d401d4eb8b
Description-is: Opið myndaklippusafn (Open Clip Art Library)
 The Open Clip Art Library is a collection of 100% license-free, royalty-
 free, and restriction-free art that you can use for any purpose.
 The clip art in this package is sorted by subject (e.g. sports).
 Openclipart 2 is sorted by artist (who created the clip art) and is much
 This package is a metapackage installing both the SVG and PNG (converted
 from SVG) versions.

Package: paprefs
Description-md5: 42f00216f7a81cc0e4548a67a7dd6802
Description-is: PulseAudio stillingar
 PulseAudio, previously known as Polypaudio, is a sound server for POSIX
 and WIN32 systems. It is a drop in replacement for the ESD sound server
 with much better latency, mixing/re-sampling quality and overall
 PulseAudio Preferences (paprefs) is a simple GTK+ based configuration
 dialog for the PulseAudio sound server.

Package: parcellite
Description-md5: df6ebfddce8a12472826bff39f539d99
Description-is: lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager
 Parcellite is a stripped down, basic-features-only clipboard manager with
 a small memory footprint for those who like simplicity.
  * Keeps a clipboard history.
  * Various view options to display items the way you like it.
  * Daemon mode; guard your clipboard contents when you close applications.
  * Perform custom commands using clipboard contents.

Package: pavucontrol
Description-md5: c43956d9d08801fbaa1a405d7b6a9e6b
Description-is: PulseAudio styrkstilling
 PulseAudio Volume Control (pavucontrol) is a simple GTK+ based volume
 control tool (mixer) for the PulseAudio sound server. In contrast to
 classic mixer tools this one allows you to control both the volume of
 hardware devices and of each playback stream separately. It also allows
 you to redirect a playback stream to another output device without
 interrupting playback.

Package: pidgin-plugin-pack
Description-md5: 18577dbe1fca6f6bed00a946e5d8c8f2
Description-is: Safn viðbóta fyrir Pidgin
 Plugin pack is a collection of many simple-yet-useful plugins for Pidgin.
 A brief description of each is below.
 /exec: execute commands and optionally send their output in an IM/chat
 AutoProfile: user profile and status message content generator.
 Album: archives all buddy icons for all buddies in the user's buddy list.
 Auto Reply: auto-replies on any protocol, also can be specific to each
 . provides links to random or select quotes on and
 Buddy List Options: options to hide buddy list on creation and hide menu
 in it.
 Colorize: colorizes outgoing message text.
 Conversation Badge: shows the protocol icon in the conversation menu tray.
 DeWYSIWYGification: allows user to type in HTML without it being rendered.
 Dice: simulates the rolling of dice.
 DiffTopic: shows changes when the topic is changed in a chatroom.
 Magic 8 Ball: shows random expressions from a Magic 8 Ball toy.
 Enhanced History: an enhanced version of the history plugin.
 Flip: flips a coin and shows the result in the current conversation.
 gRIM: annoy your buddies with a timed series of messages.
 Google: writes the results of an "I'm feeling lucky" search to a
 Group IM: send an IM to a group of buddies
 Highlight: adds support for highlighting user specified words.
 Ignore: ignore either all or just chat communication from a specific
 InfoPane: use different views for the "details" information  in
 IRC Helper: Handles the rough edges of the IRC protocol.
 IRC More: adds a couple options to the IRC protocol:
        - Customized default quit/part messages.
        - A CTCP version reply.
 Irssi Features: implements many features of irssi:
        - day change notifications
        - /window, /layout, /lastlog commands
        - auto-text formatting
 List Handler: import and export buddy lists in various formats.
 Chat User List Logging: logs the list of users in a chat when you join.
 My Status Box: per-account status selectors with other features.
 Napster: NAPSTER Protocol Plugin.
 Nick Said: to jump to where your name or other words were said in a chat.
 Old Logger: stores buddy logs in flat files (legacy format).
 Plonkers: announce your ignore list to a chat room and other privacy
 Purple Schedule: Schedule reminders at specific times.
 Separate and Tab: adds two new window positioning methods.
 Sim Fix: fixes messages received from buddies using broken SIM clients.
 Simple Network Paging Protocol (SNPP):
     allows sending to pager servers (like sendpage or qpage) via SNPP.
 Message Splitter: splits sent messages into smaller ones of a specified
 SSL Info: adds a menu item to display info about the SSL plugin in use.
 Switch Spell: allows changing the spell-check language for each
 Timelog: view Pidgin logs that fall within specific time ranges.
 XChat Chats: makes Pidgin use XChat's indented view.
 XMPP Priority: Adds account options that allow users to specify the priorities
     used for available and away for XMPP accounts.

Package: python3-async-timeout
Description-md5: 02717b94af0633086c3d33fb2d1073cd
Description-is: timeout context manager for asyncio programs in Python
 The context manager is useful in cases when you want to apply timeout
 logic around block of code or in cases when asyncio.wait_for() is not
 suitable. Also it's much faster than asyncio.wait_for() because timeout
 doesn't create a new task.
  with timeout(1.5):
      yield from inner()

Package: python3-changelog
Description-md5: e7f32501b217ce65c5453ceaf8250e6d
Description-is: Sphinx extension to generate changelog files (Python 3)
 This package provides simple Sphinx markup to render changelog displays
 (this is the Python 3 version of the extension).
  Changelog for 1.5.6
  .. changelog::
      :version: 1.5.6
      :released: Sun Oct 12 2008
      .. change::
          :tags: general
          :tickets: 27
        Improved the frobnozzle.
      .. change::
          :tags: rendering, tests
          :pullreq: 8
          :changeset: a9d7cc0b56c2
        Rendering tests now correctly render.

Package: python3-colour
Description-md5: 767a856b2801a7820f84a0c6a71f5861
Description-is: converts and manipulates various color representation - Python 2.X
 Converts and manipulates common color representation (RGB, HSL, web, ...)
  * Damn simple and pythonic way to manipulate color representation
  * Full conversion between RGB, HSL, 6-digit hex, 3-digit hex, human
  * One object (Color) or bunch of single purpose function (rgb2hex,
    hsl2rgb, ...)
  * web format that use the smallest representation between 6-digit
    (e.g. #fa3b2c), 3-digit (e.g. #fbb), fully spelled color
    (e.g. white), following W3C color naming for compatible CSS or HTML
    color specifications.
  * smooth intuitive color scale generation choosing N color gradients.
  * can pick colors for you to identify objects of your application.

Package: python3-django-jinja
Description-md5: 611ab1eacc13ebe80d423778729edd19
Description-is: Jinja2 templating language integrated in Django (Python 3 version)
 Jinja2 provides certain advantages over the native system of Django, for
 example, explicit calls to callable from templates, has better performance
 and has a plugin system
    * Auto-load templatetags compatible with Jinja2 the same way as Django.
    * Django templates can coexist with Jinja2 templates without any problems.
      It works as middleware, intercepts Jinja templates by file path pattern.
    * Django template filters and tags can mostly be used in Jinja2 templates.
    * I18n subsystem adapted for Jinja2 (makemessages now collects messages
      from Jinja templates)
    * jinja2 bytecode cache adapted for using django's cache subsystem.
    * Support for django context processors.

Package: python3-django-render-block
Description-md5: 9dbd0d84dc4b049f347d41d84ad81299
Description-is: Render the content of a specific block tag from a Django template
 Render the content of a specific block tag from a Django template. Works
 for arbitrary template inheritance, even if a block is defined in the
 child template but not in the parent. Generally it works like
 render_to_string from Django, but allows you to specify a block to render.
  * Render a specific block from a template
  * Fully supports the Django templating engine
  * Partially supports the Jinja2 engine: it does not currently process the
    extends tag

Package: python3-dotty-dict
Description-md5: 40ba6bb6b94151aa2e7918d0b12faa52
Description-is: Dictionary wrapper for quick access to deeply nested keys
  * Simple wrapper around Python dictionary and dict like objects
  * Two wrappers with the same dict are considered equal
  * Access to deeply nested keys with dot notation: dot['deeply.nested.key']
  * Create, read, update and delete nested keys of any length
  * Access dicts in lists by index dot['parents.0.first_name']
  * Support for setting value in multidimensional lists
  * Support for accessing lists with slices

Package: python3-easyprocess
Description-md5: d4f8bff81e3105538f8e9714c0d1eb88
Description-is: easy to use python subprocess interface - Python 3.X
  * layer on top of subprocess_ module
  * easy to start, stop programs
  * easy to get standard output/error, return code of programs
  * command can be list or string
  * logging
  * timeout
  * global config file with program aliases
  * shell is not supported
  * pipes are not supported
  * stdout/stderr is set only after the subprocess has finished
  * stop() does not kill whole subprocess tree
  * unicode support
  * Method chaining
 This package contains the python 3 version of easyprocess

Package: python3-klaus
Description-md5: 0c1a20913b5931c15092161b801858c5
Description-is: simple easy-to-set-up Git web viewer
  * Easy to set up -- almost no configuration required
  * Syntax highlighting
  * Git Smart HTTP support
 This package contains the Python 3.x version.

Package: python3-locust
Description-md5: 911e441f2a6793c9ab945f6dce380f04
Description-is: Developer friendly load testing framework
 Locust is an easy to use, scriptable and scalable performance testing
 tool. You define the behaviour of your users in regular Python code,
 instead of using a clunky UI or domain specific language. This makes
 Locust infinitely expandable and very developer friendly.
  * Write user test scenarios in plain-old Python -- If you want your users to
    loop, perform some conditional behaviour or do some calculations, you just
    use the regular programming constructs provided by Python. Locust runs every
    user inside its own greenlet (a lightweight process/coroutine). This enables
    you to write your tests like normal (blocking) Python code instead of having
    to use callbacks or some other mechanism. Because your scenarios are “just
    python” you can use your regular IDE, and version control your tests as
    regular code (as opposed to some other tools that use XML or binary
  * Distributed & Scalable - supports hundreds of thousands of users -- Locust
    makes it easy to run load tests distributed over multiple machines. It is
    event-based (using gevent), which makes it possible for a single process to
    handle many thousands concurrent users. While there may be other tools that
    are capable of doing more requests per second on a given hardware, the low
    overhead of each Locust user makes it very suitable for testing highly
    concurrent workloads.
  * Web-based UI -- Locust has a user friendly web interface that shows the
    progress of your test in real-time. You can even change the load while the
    test is running. It can also be run without the UI, making it easy to use
    for CI/CD testing.
  * Can test any system -- Even though Locust primarily works with web
    sites/services, it can be used to test almost any system or protocol. Just
    write a client for what you want to test, or explore some created by the

Package: python3-orderedset
Description-md5: 15b2ddf2f1d4b2d6bc2f94b8bc03665b
Description-is: Ordered Set implementation in Cython.
 An Ordered Set implementation in Cython.
  * Works like a regular set, but remembers insertion order;
  * Is approximately 5 times faster than the pure Python implementation overall
    (and 5 times slower than `set`);
  * Compatible with Python 2.7 through 3.8;
  * Supports the full set interface;
  * Supports some list methods, like `index` and `__getitem__`.
  * Supports set methods against iterables.

Package: python3-pyipmi
Description-md5: d01606fd9a99f9fd5ee7cd972addcf81
Description-is: Pure Python IPMI library
 The Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) is a set of computer
 interface specifications for an autonomous computer subsystem that
 provides management and monitoring capabilities independently of the host
 system’s CPU, firmware (BIOS or UEFI) and operating system. The python-
 ipmi library provides an application programming interface (API) for using
 IPMI protocol within the Python environment. This library supports IPMI
 version 2.0 as described in the IPMI standard.
 There are two ways to communicate with a server using IPMI interface:
  1. IPMI over Local Area Network (LAN) using Remote Management Control
     Protocol (RMCP) packet datagrams
  2. Intelligent Platform Management Bus (IPMB) is an I2C-based bus
  * native RMCP interface (using Python libraries only)
  * legacy RMCP interface (requires ipmitool to be installed)
  * IPMB interface (using the Total Phase Aardvark)

Package: python3-reflink
Description-md5: 6b46e04f6d4ce969ebc24e933eb62915
Description-is: Python Library wrapping platform-specific reflink implementations
 Python wrapper around the ``reflink`` system calls.
  * Btrfs, XFS, OCFS2 ``reflink`` support. Btrfs is tested the most.
  * Apple macOS APFS ``clonefile`` support. Little testing, be careful. It
    might eat data.
  * A convenience method that checks support for reflinks within a specific

Package: python3-requests-file
Description-md5: babcf46924d2f06e381950dc20627456
Description-is: File transport adapter for Requests - Python 3.X
 Requests-File is a transport adapter for use with the Requests Python
 library to allow local filesystem access via file:// URLs.
  * Will open and read local files
  * Might set a Content-Length header
  * That's about it
 No encoding information is set in the response object, so be careful using
 Response.text: the chardet library will be used to convert the file to a
 unicode type and it may not detect what you actually want.
 EACCES is converted to a 403 status code, and ENOENT is converted to a
 404. All other IOError types are converted to a 400.
 This package contains the Python 3 version of the library.

Package: python3-rich-click
Description-md5: 8fc8073cf4499f53a98eefe3a1d3eedb
Description-is: creating beautiful command line interfaces for Python3
 Format click help output nicely with Rich.
  * Click is a "Python package for creating beautiful command line
  * Rich is a "Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in
    the terminal".
 The intention of rich-click is to provide attractive help output from
 click, formatted with rich, with minimal customisation required.
  * Rich command-line formatting of click help and error messages
  * Nice styles be default, usage is simply import rich_click as click
  * CLI tool to run on other people's tools (prefix the command with
  * Group commands and options into named panels
  * Well formatted error messages
  * Easily give custom sort order for options and commands
  * Extensive customisation of styling and behaviour possible

Package: python3-sphinx-paramlinks
Description-md5: f25608875c6bf71d2410506a9f858bc0
Description-is: Sphinx extension to make param links linkable (Python 3 version)
 Sphinx extension which allows :param: directives within Python
 documentation to be linkable.
  * :param: directives within Sphinx function/method descriptions will be
    given aparagraph link so that they can be linked to externally.
  * a new text role :paramref: is added, which works like :meth:, :func:, etc.
 This package contains Python 3.x version of sphinx_paramlinks module.

Package: python3-starlette
Description-md5: 97e426dcd54d67f5b2f64d7d9535faef
Description-is: ASGI library ideal for building high performance asyncio services
 Starlette is a lightweight ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface)
 framework/toolkit, which is ideal for building high performance asyncio
 It is production-ready, and gives you the following:
  * Seriously impressive performance.
  * WebSocket support.
  * In-process background tasks.
  * Startup and shutdown events.
  * Test client built on `httpx`.
  * CORS, GZip, Static Files, Streaming responses.
  * Session and Cookie support.
  * 100% test coverage.
  * 100% type annotated codebase.
  * Zero hard dependencies.
  from starlette.applications import Starlette
  from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
  from starlette.routing import Route
  async def homepage(request):
      return JSONResponse({'hello': 'world'})
  app = Starlette(debug=True, routes=[
    Route('/', homepage),

Package: python3-torch-ignite
Description-md5: 6db43be76f243871505aeef8f03e9fe1
Description-is: High-level library to help with training and evaluating in PyTorch
 Ignite is a high-level library to help with training and evaluating neural
 networks in PyTorch flexibly and transparently.
  * Less code than pure PyTorch while ensuring maximum control and simplicity
  * Library approach and no program's control inversion
  * Extensible API for metrics, experiment managers, and other components

Package: rebound
Description-md5: 0b5dbbc5e475aa053897d491c43c21d8
Description-is: Command-line tool to fetch Stack Overflow results when program execution error
 Rebound is a command-line tool that instantly fetches Stack Overflow
 results when getting a program execution error in multiple programming
 languages. This tool will execute the program, pull the error message if
 needed, and display related Stack Overflow questions and answers without
 leaving the terminal.
  - Supported file types:
    - Python
    - Node.js
    - Java
    - Golang
    - Ruby
  - View answers in command line mode
  - Open browser for GUI

Package: ruby-necromancer
Description-md5: fbd73e98c72232dc97bd2ea9b76359a3
Description-is: Library offering conversion from one object type to another
 Necromancer provides independent type conversion component for TTY
 Conversion between Ruby core types frequently comes up in projects but is
 solved by half-baked solutions. This library aims to provide an
 independent and extensible API to support a robust and generic way to
 convert between core Ruby types.
  * Simple and expressive API
  * Ability to specify own converters
  * Ability to compose conversions out of simpler ones
  * Support conversion of custom defined types
  * Ability to specify strict conversion mode

Package: ruby-simple-captcha2
Description-md5: fb300520a72f6326a611d9d0419a47bd
Description-is: simplest and a robust captcha plugin for rails
 Available with Rails 3 + 4 or above provides backward compatibility. This
 is a fork of the popular Rubygem ``simple_captcha`` which got abandoned.
  * Zero FileSystem usage (secret code moved to db-store and image storage
  * Provides various image styles.
  * Provides three level of complexity of images.
  * Works absolutely fine in distributed environment(session and db based
  implementation works fine in distributed environment).
  * Implementation is as easy as just writing a single line in your view.
  ```<%= show_simple_captcha %>``` within the 'form' tags.
  * Flexible DOM and CSS handling(There is a separate view partial for
  rendering SimpleCaptcha DOM elements).
  * Automated removal of 1 hour old unmatched simple_captcha data.

Package: ruby-webmock
Description-md5: 83ffa69d71660251c94341505328406f
Description-is: library for stubbing HTTP requests in Ruby
 WebMock allows stubbing HTTP requests and setting expectations on HTTP
  * Stubbing HTTP requests at low http client lib level (no need to change
    tests when you change HTTP library).
  * Setting and verifying expectations on HTTP requests.
  * Matching requests based on method, URI, headers and body.
  * Smart matching of the same URIs in different representations (also encoded
     and non encoded forms).
  * Smart matching of the same headers in different representations.

Package: sigil
Description-md5: 88d7047856e5e6d5edbe1b6fc1c0482f
Description-is: multi-platform ebook editor
 Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed
 to edit books in ePub format.
  * Full UTF-16 support;
  * Full EPUB 2 spec support;
  * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View;
  * WYSIWYG editing in Book View;
  * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View;
  * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support;
  * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more
    than 200) with full descriptions for each;
  * User interface translated into many languages;
  * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries;
  * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace;
  * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets;
  * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator;
  * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your
    editing can be optionally cleaned.

Package: sigil-data
Description-md5: d697fcd1e7b4df79b24c90d3e49f5642
Description-is: multi-platform ebook editor - data files
 Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed
 to edit books in ePub format.
  * Full UTF-16 support;
  * Full EPUB 2 spec support;
  * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View;
  * WYSIWYG editing in Book View;
  * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View;
  * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support;
  * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more
    than 200) with full descriptions for each;
  * User interface translated into many languages;
  * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries;
  * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace;
  * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets;
  * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator;
  * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your
    editing can be optionally cleaned.
 This package provides the architecture-independant files.

Package: skanpage
Description-md5: 3ee0379151650239dfe4f1b71b2d85a7
Description-is: Multi-page scanning and saving of documents and images
 Skanpage is a simple scanning application designed for multi-page scanning
 and saving of documents and images.
   - Scanning from flatbed and ADF scanners
   - Configurable options for scanning device
   - Reordering, rotation and deletion of scanned pages
   - Saving to multi-page PDF documents and image files

Package: skewer
Description-md5: b441f177d77eef511d970fccfb663491
Description-is: post-processing of high-throughput DNA sequence reads
 skewer implements the bit-masked k-difference matching algorithm dedicated
 to the task of adapter trimming and it is specially designed for
 processing next-generation sequencing (NGS) paired-end sequences.
  * Detection and removal of adapter sequences
  * Insertion and deletion allowed in pattern matching
  * Targeted at Single End, Paired End (PE), and Long Mate Pair (LMP) reads
  * Demultiplexing of barcoded sequencing runs
  * Multi-threading support
  * Trimming based on phred quality scores
  * IUPAC characters for barcodes and adapters
  * Compressed input and output support

Package: slop
Description-md5: b6be29fa551e770f482aba9739129e15
Description-is: queries for a selection from the user and prints the region to stdout
 slop (Select Operation) is an application that queries for a selection
 from the user and prints the region to stdout. It grabs the mouse and
 turns it into a crosshair, lets the user click and drag to make a
 selection (or click on a window) while drawing a pretty box around it,
 then finally prints the selection's dimensions to stdout.
  * Hovering over a window will cause a selection rectangle to appear
    over it.
  * Clicking on a window makes slop return the dimensions of the
  * Clicking and dragging causes a selection rectangle to appear,
    renders pretty well (compared to scrot). And will return the
    dimensions of that rectangle in absolute screen coords.
  * On startup it turns your cursor into a crosshair, then adjusts the
    cursor into angles as you drag the selection rectangle.
  * Supports simple arguments:
    * Change selection rectangle border size.
    * Select X display.
    * Set padding size, even negative padding sizes!
    * Set click tolerance for if you have a shaky mouse.
    * Set the color of the selection rectangles to match your theme!
      (Even supports transparency!)
  * Remove window decorations from selections.
  * Supports OpenGL hardware acceleration.
  * Supports textured themes.
  * Supports programmable shaders.
  * Supports a magnifying glass.

Package: sma
Description-md5: 76ba18e18aecad8f99f7369db8c3a35a
Description-is: Sendmail log analyser
 SMA is a program that analyses Sendmail log entries.
  - Support for all recent Sendmail versions
  - Flexible output formatting - HTML, ASCII and a custom log
  - Regular expression filtering of messages
  - Multiple hosts in the same report

Package: spek
Description-md5: 8cfef49bc5bafec8c8e872d06787ec14
Description-is: acoustic spectrum analyser
 Spek helps to analyse your audio files by showing their spectrogram. It
 supports all popular lossy and lossless audio file formats.
  * Ultra-fast signal processing, uses multiple threads to further
    speed up the analysis
  * Shows the codec name and the audio signal parameters
  * Can save the spectrogram as an image file
  * Drag-and-drop support; associates with common audio file formats
  * Auto-fitting time, frequency and spectral density rulers
  * Adjustable spectral density range

Package: supertux
Description-md5: 83819c096307dca07762d7b9f833f8be
Description-is: Klassískur 2D hopp- og hliðar-skrun leikur með Tux
 SuperTux is a classic 2D jump 'n run sidescroller game in a similar style
 like the original SuperMario games. You play the role of Tux the Penguin,
 who must rescue Penny from the hands of the evil Nolok.

Package: t50
Description-md5: e560c2f6b8505a57b17d517d7a0bfd9c
Description-is: Multi-protocol packet injector tool
 Multi-protocol packet injector tool for *nix systems, actually supporting
 15 protocols.
  - Flooding
  - CIDR support
    RIPv2, GRE, ESP, AH, EIGRP and OSPF support.
  - TCP Options.
  - High performance.
  - Can hit about 1.000.000 packets per second.

Package: tetzle
Description-md5: 9fde502f6606a471732c4289ec6d5585
Description-is: Púsl
 Any image can be imported and used to create puzzles with a wide range of
 sizes. Games are saved automatically, and you can select between currently
 in progress games.

Package: tiny-dnn
Description-md5: c312c618bd72f981c2874794db1dc871
Description-is: header only deep learning framework in C++
 tiny-dnn is a C++ implementation of deep learning. It is suitable for deep
 learning on limited computational resource, embedded systems and IoT
  * Reasonably fast, without GPU;
  * Portable & header-only;
  * Easy to integrate with real applications;
  * Simply implemented.

Package: tiny-dnn-doc
Description-md5: 8c79ac8aa36ab68f80cf69eeb0cb0dc3
Description-is: header only deep learning framework in C++ -- documentation
 tiny-dnn is a C++ implementation of deep learning. It is suitable for deep
 learning on limited computational resource, embedded systems and IoT
  * Reasonably fast, without GPU;
  * Portable & header-only;
  * Easy to integrate with real applications;
  * Simply implemented.
 This package contains the documentation.

Package: twine
Description-md5: 85dc96f3482fa75a4f41796dff720d43
Description-is: utility for interacting with PyPI
 Twine is a tool for uploading distributions (in the Python meaning) to
 Why should twine be used over the traditional approach?
 The biggest reason to use twine is that python upload uploads
 files over plaintext. This means anytime you use it you expose your
 username and password to a MITM attack. Twine uses only verified TLS to
 upload to PyPI protecting your credentials from theft.
 Secondly it allows you to precreate your distribution files. python upload only allows you to upload something that you’ve created in
 the same command invocation. This means that you cannot test the exact
 file you’re going to upload to PyPI to ensure that it works before
 uploading it.
 Finally it allows you to pre-sign your files and pass the .asc files into
 the command line invocation (twine upload twine-1.0.1.tar.gz
 twine-1.0.1.tar.gz.asc). This enables you to be assured that you’re typing
 your gpg passphrase into gpg itself and not anything else since you will
 be the one directly executing gpg --detach-sign -a <filename>.
  - Verified HTTPS Connections
  - Uploading doesn’t require executing
  - Uploading files that have already been created, allowing testing of
    distributions before release
  - Supports uploading any packaging format (including wheels).

Package: tzdiff
Description-md5: e6bb361db9923d3a4c5c318fab42dbac
Description-is: Show Timezone differences with local time in command-line interface
  - Support TIMEZONE completion
  - Support multiple timezone comparison
  - Support daylight saving time
  - Support multiple output formats

Package: vim-snipmate
Description-md5: b32d99279c72a1dbfce80f206863cd65
Description-is: Vim script that implements some of TextMate's snippets features.
 SnipMate.vim aims to be an unobtrusive, concise vim script that implements
 some of TextMate's snippets features in Vim. A snippet is a piece of
 often-typed text that you can insert into your document using a trigger
 word followed by a <tab>.
 For instance, in a C file using the default installation of snipMate.vim,
 if you type "for<tab>" in insert mode, it will expand a typical for loop
 in C:
 for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
 Project-Id-Version: ddtp-ubuntu
 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>
 PO-Revision-Date: 2021-10-06 08:00+0000
 Language-Team: Icelandic <>
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
 X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2021-10-07 13:03+0000
 X-Generator: Launchpad (build d41d323cd49b34518b2141c77ec7b2f852e5f261)
 To go to the next item in the loop, simply <tab> over to it; if there is
 repeated code, such as the "i" variable in this example, you can simply
 start typing once it's highlighted and all the matches specified in the
 snippet will be updated.
 snipMate.vim has the following features among others:
  - The syntax of snippets is very similar to TextMate's, allowing easy
  - The position of the snippet is kept transparently (i.e., it does not use
    marks/placeholders inserted into the buffer), allowing you to escape out
    of an incomplete snippet, something particularly useful in Vim.
  - Variables in snippets are updated as-you-type.
  - Snippets can have multiple matches.
  - Snippets can be out of order. For instance, in a do...while loop, the
    condition can be added before the code.

Package: vkeybd
Description-md5: 0d2d394ff06dcef1fd62dcb0f7ece48a
Description-is: Sýndar MIDI lyklaborð
 This program allows you to use the Linux AWE32 driver, OSS MIDI sequencer,
 or ALSA MIDI sequencer and provides "virtual" keyboard (the musical type),
 which can be "played" using the keyboard or mouse under X11.

Package: webcamoid
Description-md5: f572b386468b9a3ce3ad23b4c33caedf
Description-is: full featured webcam capture application
 webcamoid allows one to capture, save and view a video stream. It also can
 do a lot of funny things.
  * Take pictures and record videos with the webcam.
  * Manages multiple webcams.
  * GUI interface.
  * Custom controls for each webcam.
  * Add funny effects to the webcam.
  * +60 effects available.
  * Effects with live previews.
  * Translated to many languages.
  * Use custom network and local files as capture devices.
  * Capture from desktop.
  * Many recording formats.
  * Virtual webcam support for feeding other programs.

Package: webcamoid-data
Description-md5: 49cfaf5d124f5a9473173ad57faf06ed
Description-is: icons and locale files for webcamoid
 webcamoid allows one to capture, save and view a video stream. It also can
 do a lot of funny things.
  * Take pictures and record videos with the webcam.
  * Manages multiple webcams.
  * GUI interface.
  * Custom controls for each webcam.
  * Add funny effects to the webcam.
  * +60 effects available.
  * Effects with live previews.
  * Translated to many languages.
  * Use custom network and local files as capture devices.
  * Capture from desktop.
  * Many recording formats.
  * Virtual webcam support for feeding other programs.
 This package contains the icons/locale files for webcamoid.

Package: webcamoid-plugins
Description-md5: 53aa7e50d4c64af45acef489bde7ac7e
Description-is: full featured webcam capture application - plugins
 webcamoid allows one to capture, save and view a video stream. It also can
 do a lot of funny things.
  * Take pictures and record videos with the webcam.
  * Manages multiple webcams.
  * GUI interface.
  * Custom controls for each webcam.
  * Add funny effects to the webcam.
  * +60 effects available.
  * Effects with live previews.
  * Translated to many languages.
  * Use custom network and local files as capture devices.
  * Capture from desktop.
  * Many recording formats.
  * Virtual webcam support for feeding other programs.
 This package contains the plugins for webcamoid.

Package: xournalpp
Description-md5: 712e460ad8af25a37120d79334e3adba
Description-is: Note-taking program supporting pen & PDF annotation
 Xournal++ is a handwritten note taking program with the target of
 flexibility, functionality and speed. The stroke recognizer and other
 parts are based on Xournal, which you can find at Sourceforge. It supports
 GNU/Linux (e.g., Ubuntu, Debian, Arch, SUSE), macOS, and Windows 10.
 Supports pen input from devices such as Wacom Tablets.
  - Supports pressure senstive styluses and digital pen tables (e.g. Wacom,
    Huion, XP Pen, etc. tablets)
  - Paper backgrounds for notetaking, scratch paper, or whiteboarding
  - Annotate on top of PDFs
  - Export to a variety of formats including SVG, PNG and PDF, both from the
    GUI and command line
  - Different drawing tools (e.g.pen, highlighter) and stroke styles (e.g.
    solid, dotted)
  - Shape drawing (line, arrow, circle, rectangle, spline)
  - Fill shape functionality
  - Shape resizing and rotation
  - Rotation and grid snapping for precise alignment of objects
  - Input stabilization for smoother writing/drawing
  - Text tool for adding text in different fonts, colors and sizes
  - Enhanced support for image insertion
  - Eraser with multiple configurations
  - LaTeX support (requires a working LaTeX installation) with customizeable
  - Sidebar with Page Previews with advanced page sorting, PDF Bookmarks and
    Layers (can be individually hidden/edited)
  - Allows maping different tools/colors etc. to stylus/mouse buttons
  - Customizeable toolbar with multiple configurations, e.g. to optimize
    toolbar for portrait/landscape
  - Page Template definitions
  - Bug reporting, autosave, and auto backup tools
  - Audio recording and playback alongside with handwritten notes
  - Multi language support (over 20 languages supported)
  - Plugins using Lua scripting

Package: xscorch
Description-md5: 7af70b168257997d12133007d7497d08
Description-is: Klón af Scorched Earth
 Xscorch is a clone of the classic DOS game, "Scorched Earth". The basic
 goal is to annihilate enemy tanks using overpowered guns :).  Basically,
 you buy weapons, you target the enemy by adjusting the angle of your
 turret and firing power, and you hope to destroy their tank before they
 destroy yours.

Package: yacas
Description-md5: 4aae435c80e1b77b47271afb623ec744
Description-is: Algebru lausnarkerfi
 Yacas is a small and highly flexible computer algebra language.
 The syntax is very close to Mathematica. The distribution contains a small
 library of mathematical functions, but its real strength is in the
 language in which you can easily write your own symbolic manipulation
 algorithms. It supports arbitrary precision arithmetic.